Wednesday 14 October 2009

prelim task

This task we were set the goal to film a short extract with continuity. We were set goals which included using a wide variety of shots including an over the shoulder shot. We also went on to include extreme close ups, worm eye and long shots. We chose our groups and i was with Shanice and Ellen. We decided to make a sad film instead of a comedy.
First we thought about what we had to include. First we had to have scenes of someone opening a door, that person then talking, the other person talking back and then seeing the first persons response. then there should be an appropriate ending.
we chose to have Shanice sending a text, then opening a door. Then we filmed her walking down a hall and turning a corner and talking to Ellen. Then finally i filmed the both of them walking off down a hall and having a fade out at the end.
If i was to do his project again i would change a multitude of things. First of all i wouldn't do as much free hand work with the camera, instead i would rest it on a steady surface or use the tripod. Next i would pick a better location, as although the backdrop was good, the actual shots that we could get were limited by the space.
The next stage was the editing what we had filmed. This involved picking appropriate scenes, cutting them down to size and the putting a sound track on.
Upon looking at our film we decided it was a little cheesy. Because of this we decided to make a funny soundtrack, to make it entertaining.
i preferred the editing stage to any of the others as we were allowed to be very creative with what we had filmed. Also i am a music strand student, meaning i know how to use music to build effect and tensions where it is needed.

Thursday 1 October 2009

first filming experience

Today we were set an assignment to film a journey, using different types of camera angles. This task was used to introduce us to using the camera’s and being comfortable filming. Also it help us put to practice some new ideas that we had, and learn how to apply complex techniques within a short 45 minute time span.

We were put into groups of 3 people. In my group was myself, Ellen and Jake. The advantage of this is that Jake is an actor, meaning we didn’t have to worry about people being camera shy.

First we decided on a location, which we decided would be the front lobby of the school, due to the fact that there were high places and low places to have interesting shots from, a lot of space to use and various people to include as extras or just to add to the atmosphere.

Next we decided on a plot line. The obvious choice was to go for a comedy, as that is what we all most enjoyed. Then we decided on the plot content. At first we debated on the idea of running and chasing a ninja down the hall. The issue wit this is that it would be a very faced passed film with a lot of action and would be quite hard to film for a first attempt.

Eventually we went with the idea of Jake running to the toilet. We employed a few year 10’s to help us get some realistic shots. We used a variety of shots including long shots, worms eye view, panning and close ups.

first leasson

In our first lesson we were introduced to the teachers and other classmates. Then we were set a task of finding pictures for different types of shots, for example POV, over the should and low angle shots. After this we were told what our first main task would be, which is to create the start of a thriller film.

The teachers then put in a DVD with the previous year 12’s as thriller work. This was to give us some ideas for our films, and also to show us how al of the different styles of shots could be put into action.