Thursday 1 October 2009

first filming experience

Today we were set an assignment to film a journey, using different types of camera angles. This task was used to introduce us to using the camera’s and being comfortable filming. Also it help us put to practice some new ideas that we had, and learn how to apply complex techniques within a short 45 minute time span.

We were put into groups of 3 people. In my group was myself, Ellen and Jake. The advantage of this is that Jake is an actor, meaning we didn’t have to worry about people being camera shy.

First we decided on a location, which we decided would be the front lobby of the school, due to the fact that there were high places and low places to have interesting shots from, a lot of space to use and various people to include as extras or just to add to the atmosphere.

Next we decided on a plot line. The obvious choice was to go for a comedy, as that is what we all most enjoyed. Then we decided on the plot content. At first we debated on the idea of running and chasing a ninja down the hall. The issue wit this is that it would be a very faced passed film with a lot of action and would be quite hard to film for a first attempt.

Eventually we went with the idea of Jake running to the toilet. We employed a few year 10’s to help us get some realistic shots. We used a variety of shots including long shots, worms eye view, panning and close ups.

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