Wednesday 18 November 2009

shot list

Shot 1: black screen, cassette started.

Shot 2: cu of cassette playing. On a table

Shot 3: ms of cassette playing and a coffee cup on a table, with two empty chairs in a interview room.

Shot 4: ms of the back of a boy, hood up, with the whole of London in front of him, woods surrounding him.

Shot 5:cu plan shot of London, then panning across to the side of the boys face his hood up.

Shot 5:ls of boy and girl sitting in a coffee shop.

Shot 6:two shot of the boy and girl chatting in the coffee shop.

Shot 7: cu side of the boy’s head, takes a pull of a cigarette then breaths it out.

Shot 8: bcu high angle of coffee trickling around a table to the edge.

Shot 9: bcu coffee dripping off the side of the table.

Shot 10: ls of boy and girl walking down a street, they then pause in front of a house and the girl walks in first followed by the boy, the door then slams.

Shot 11: cu of fan blowing and turning, with the paper attached.

Shot 12: ots shot with no people !!!

Shot 13: bcu of boy getting a box of matches out of his pocket

Shot 14: long shot of girl in café on her own in same stance as last time and same time of day.

Shot 15: ms of girl looking worried from outside.

Shot 16:cu of boy lighting a match, match is then followed up and you can see the bottom of the boys mouth. The boy the smiles and puts the match out with his fingers.

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